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A Better GitLab Code Quality - Part 1 - Goodbye CodeClimate

GitLab's Code Quality analysis template can be a convenient tool, but the default CodeClimate-based solution has some significant drawbacks, and was recently deprecated. This post, part 1 of a series, explores the security, performance, and usability issues with the default Code Quality template, and why its deprecation not a significant loss. Future parts of this series will explore a more flexible, more adaptable, and more capable approach.

Notifications for New Eleventy Posts in GitLab - Part 2

One of the challenges with deploying static sites is that there's nothing tracking any sort of site state, including when new content is published. This post presents a technique to identify newly published content on an Eleventy site and sending various notifications with content-specific data. Part 1 covered identifying the new posts and collecting post-specific data. Part 2 covers posting a status to Mastodon, posting a status to Bluesky, and sending an IndexNow notification for the new page.

Notifications for New Eleventy Posts in GitLab - Part 1

One of the challenges with deploying static sites is that there's nothing tracking any sort of site state, including when new content is published. This post presents a technique to identify newly published content on an Eleventy site and sending various notifications with content-specific data. Part 1 covers identifying the new posts and collecting post-specific data.